The Independent Daily


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(We are renovating our Archives pages. Many of the older, grouped Archive articles are being migrated to their own html pages, so they may be duplicated in the interim. Thank you for your patience.)

Our Archives are divided into three categories (Scroll Down):

First Category: Individual page per article listing:

Why Do We Insist on Beating Up Russia?

Buy American or Don’t Buy at All

Keeping the World’s Muslims Divided

Blacks Killing Whites and Ferguson, MO

Flacid White Men to Run Congress (again)

Lithium: Silver Gold

What does 5.9% Unemployment Mean?

Chinese Cinema and Freedom of Speech

Death of American Chauvinism

US Hypocrisy; and Diane Rehm, for Good Measure

US Banks Record Profits: CEO pay, Taxpayer Bailout, savings rates, and other data. What does it take to stir you to consciousness?

Changing Party Registration: A Clear Signal

Registrarse como independiente. Deje que su voz sea escuchada!

Arizona’s Guns: Merry Christmas and Pass the Ammo

Sex After 60? Long Strange Trip answers your questions

A Communist Reminder - Beijing Cowardice and Walmart

Getting to know our friends, Boko Haram

Thinking about getting an MRI? Think again...

Economic Viagra: Move Over John Maynard Keynes. Prostitution and Drugs in the EU today

The Death of American Chauvinism

Ebola, Population, and China

GL Hill’s Rib Count: Hunger in America

GM’s License to Steal

Jack Shepherd: Homeless from the Start

Revolution? I think not: LVMPD Cops slain

Back in we go again : What we won’t do for our friends at Exxon-Mobil

Rick Perry: Superhero Governor of Texas

Joe Bialek, Working for a Living

Jack Shepherd: Parlor Trick

US Government cancels the Redskins, but holds out on the Detroit Niggas

All Things Ukraine (Compilation)

Bad Investment: Electric Car, Or is it?

Ameriscepticism vs. Euroscepticism

Obamacare Compilation - A True Obamacare Story

National Sorry-About-That Day: An opportunity to apologize, en masse

Kim Jong-un at it again...This time it’s the weather

Tom Perkins and the, literally, Almighty Dollar: A lesson in Greed

Jack Shepherd: America’s Two Parties - Big Bucks and Big Money

Joe Bialek: Homosexual Ducks

Farm Bill and Food Stamps: Eating is such a waste of time, anyway

Here we go again: Central African Republic

California: Dry to the Bone

Boomers and Work: How to approach a job interview not that you’re decrepit

GL Hill: Minimum Wage

Obamacare Loves Fat Americans, but doesn’t like Smokers

Five Articles on Why Buying Chinese Products is Not a good thing (including, At War With China , Black Friday Slavery and LL Bean)

Finally: The Real Number. Unemployment

Social Security Disability: Today’s Welfare: Sustainable?

Uh-oh! Republicans and Democrats holding Hands

GM: What you and I bought with our $39 Billion Loss

Dennis McGuire, A Murderer Dies

Washington state’s mental lightweight and Arizona - on Racism and the inability to read statistics

Ukraine: Beware of the European Union Link: Gina Rinehart and Greed

Five Articles on Why Buying Chinese Products is Not a good thing (including, At War With China , Black Friday Slavery and LL Bean)

Finally: The Real Number. Unemployment - Vast, Intentional Understatements

Term Limits and Terminal Thinking

The Dow and Plastic Bags

State of the Onion Address: Peeling it just makes you want to cry

Santa and al-Shabab: At your local Mall this Christmas!

Memorial: Bialek on Mandela

Congress: Fire Everybody

Hitting a Nerve - An Economic War on America andVietnam: A Wasted Lesson

Apple’s New iPhone 9mm

Germany thinks we’re, Incomprehensible America

Visualizing America and Visualizing Whirled Peas

Non-Political Thinking: General Relativity and the 2014 Budget Battle

de la Luna, After the Fall: Survivalists - Not just ‘Arizona Crazies’ Anymore

A Chink in the Obama Armor?

What’s that smell? Venezuela’s Toilet Paper Crisis

Taqiyya and Netanyahu: Liars telling lies about lying to the liars

Done Deal: Obamacare - Soon to be a legacy of intrusion

Such a Waste of Time and Money: Obamacare

Understanding the Wild Dog Pack called Congress, or, Why We Are Failing

Whole Foods, Whole CEO

Resurrection: de la Luna on Wall Street.  It’s time to impose a Welfare-to-Work standard for Investors

Jack Shepherd: Walking on Eggs

Joe Bialek on Obamacare and the Shutdown: A Story to be told again in 2014

Jack Shepherd, Who Are We?

Horse’s Mouth: 90 Days and Counting, Still waiting for an AZ Republican Response.

Barak O’Deficit: Maybe he’s “Black Irish”?

Ron, Rand, or Ru? Which Paul are you?

The Connection: China, Syria, and Walmart

All on Obamacare: A Compilation. Physician Pay and the AMA; A Ravenous Wolf in Socialist Clothing; The Angel Murray Told Me to Opt-Out

Wages: Down, Down, Down, but who cares

McCain: Poking the Lion and Pissing Off Russia

Ethnocentric America: We need to get over ourselves

Guantanamo: We Got a Million Friends

Special: Food Stamps and Eric Cantor

Revoke Obama Nobel: There is no Nobel Prize for War Mongering

Bialek: Good Questions Regarding CEO Pay

Sovereign Citizenry: The FBI, Domestic Terrorism, and the Constitution. It’s called Fascism.

GL Hill: Raise the Minimum Wage

In The Eye of the Storm: What Now Syria?

Missing the Point:  When did the Associated Press become a band of half-wits?

Nickel-Dime Terrorism: The Real War is at Our Door: Wildfires, Terrorism, and McCain

Faked: Syria Chemical Weapons: A Ploy

Worrying About the Next Civil War: Living in Fear, You and I...or the US Government?

Egypt’s Unrest:

Guest Column, Joe Bialek

10,000 Maniacs:

California’s soon to be released Felon population

Where were the Sandy Hook Mothers in 2003:

A Child is a Child

9/11 from Day One:


Wall Street Joy:

When a Record, isn’t

The Bush Library:

Green Eggs and ham

Scout’s Honor:

More on the growing focus on Gay Scouting

The Epidemic of Suicide:

White Angst

John McCain:

Portrait of a Fool

Jack Shepherd on Hawaiian Homelessness

Aloha! Now Get The Hell Out

Tennessee Messianic Law:

Thou Shalt Not Name Thy Child Jesus


Bending to the NSA

House of Commons: “No” on Syria

Huzzah! For the House of Commons

Yellow Journalism (Grouped and Slanted Opinions):

Death by Perambulation

Weiners of the World, Unite!

GHWB: Bald Faced Consumer

Jack Shepherd on Zimmerman, et al.

Attention Black Americans:

What did you expect?

A Letter from John Adams?

A Nom-de-Pissed-Off-American

Russki Typeski?

What About Trotsky?

TID’s Editor:

A Fan of Baruch Spinoza  and an Independence Day e-Card

GL Hill:

Mourning the Loss of Life - Yarnell, AZ

Bureau of Labor Statistics Shell Game

The fallacy of job growth

Pakistan’s Explosive Politics, and What America Has to Teach: Nothing.

While likely to be bombed in queue, Pakistanis turn out more than 60%

Yet Another History Reminder:

Syria: Again with the Chemical Weapons?

Bailing Wire Blues

The Forerunner to Duct Tape in our Economy

The Real Enemy of the State

TID’s Shepherd gives us his perspective

Iran: A New Day?

Time will tell

The United States of America: Game Over?

Only Ché would mistakenly think so

Snowden Likely to be Prosecuted

Why not the NSA?

Chain Mail, National Security Agency

A look at the NSA practice of illegal search and a possible solution to the impasse - “Key Words”

England’s Guardian, Better at Being a US Citizen Than Most Americans

The UK’s premiere news journal takes on the wrath of the NSA

Of Whores and Culture, A Reader Writes

Desirous of more anti-Obama rhetoric, we point out the obvious

Droning on about being droned, iDrone v.4, on the Way!

That GD GD’s latest apps, including iKillyou

Wild and Crazy Guys! Fun and Games with the FBI

More on illegal search

The Never-Made Episode about the ICC, How I Met Your Mother

Marshall gets a job with the International Criminal Court

TID regular Shepherd, Homeless in America

Read it and donate

On the Warpath, When is an Indian really an Indian?

Does a 25% Indian deserve a 25% government handout?

GL Hill, Bump and Grind Your Way to the Grand Canyon!

We’re Broke...Sorry about the roads

Sixties Rock Bands and Nigerian Terrorism, Boko Haram

Which one to chase for an autograph

Get Ready for Congressional Elections: “Defaulty” Thinking

And get ready to vote Independent

New Season! New Apathy! Don’t Miss,  American Idle

While Rome burns...

Unravelling the Mystery, Chain, Chain, Chain...Chain of Fools (CPI)

It all comes down to consumer choice: Dog food sounds good

The Recovery: Fake, Fake, Fake...

Jobs, DOW, you name it

John Kerry, Eat Your Heart Out

Try a little ketchup - Heinz 57, please - on your human heart

Colonel Oliver says, “You’re not even a Nigger...” Nigeria: More Dead Children

Our next epic disaster, and more innocent lives will be lost

Which Relieves Headaches Faster?  Sartre or Tylenol?

Life’s angst - a foolproof therapy

People Power: Soylent Brown

Cutting through the BS of war: let’s get down to it


Einstein’s Wristwatch (Special Relativity and Genesis)

Good News and Bad,  The American Dream is Alive (in Vietnam)

It’s like America in the 1980’s, only without Reagan

You Are About To Be, ”Liked” by the IRS

One more reason only the ignorant or the dim sign up for Facebook

GTT, Gone to Texas. “Shit ‘n Howdy!” Why on earth would you do that?

TS Eliot’s real Waste Land

Chain Mail, National Security Agency

A look at the NSA practice of illegal search and a possible solution to the impasse - “Key Words”

England’s Guardian, Better at Being a US Citizen Than Most Americans

The UK’s premiere news journal takes on the wrath of the NSA

Of Whores and Culture, A Reader Writes

Desirous of more anti-Obama rhetoric, we point out the obvious

Licking Bush, Is It Too Late?

Gay Rights groups...wasting time while children die

Droning on about being droned, iDrone v.4, on the Way!

That GD GD’s latest apps, including iKillyou

Wild and Crazy Guys! Fun and Games with the FBI

More on illegal search

The Never-Made Episode about the ICC, How I Met Your Mother

Marshall gets a job with the International Criminal Court

My name is the Associated Press and, I’m an Alcoholic

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

TID regular Shepherd, Homeless in America

Read it and donate

Hating in America: No Exit, and, Prelude to No Exit

Muslim Hate Crimes and others we love to loathe

On the Warpath, When is an Indian really an Indian?

Does a 25% Indian deserve a 25% government handout?

GL Hill, Bump and Grind Your Way to the Grand Canyon!

We’re Broke...Sorry about the roads

Sixties Rock Bands and Nigerian Terrorism, Boko Haram

Which one to chase for an autograph

Get Ready for Congressional Elections: “Defaulty” Thinking

And get ready to vote Independent

New Season! New Apathy! Don’t Miss,  American Idle

While Rome burns...

Unravelling the Mystery, Chain, Chain, Chain...Chain of Fools (CPI)

It all comes down to consumer choice: Dog food sounds good

The Recovery: Fake, Fake, Fake...

Jobs, DOW, you name it

John Kerry, Eat Your Heart Out

Try a little ketchup - Heinz 57, please - on your human heart

Colonel Oliver says, “You’re not even a Nigger...” Nigeria: More Dead Children

Our next epic disaster, and more innocent lives will be lost

Which Relieves Headaches Faster?  Sartre or Tylenol?

Life’s angst - a foolproof therapy

People Power: Soylent Brown

Cutting through the BS of war: let’s get down to it


Einstein’s Wristwatch (Special Relativity and Genesis)

Good News and Bad,  The American Dream is Alive (in Vietnam)

It’s like America in the 1980’s, only without Reagan

The Bad Penny, Pervez Musharraf

Facing defeat in the Public eye, maybe he’ll be gone soon

You Are About To Be, ”Liked” by the IRS

One more reason only the ignorant or the dim sign up for Facebook

Le Whoop Ass, Très Mal Mali

The French incursion and the lasting US support

For the Jack Shepherd Archive, Click Here.

Second Category: Less Recent editorials and articles which you will find here:  Warren-Hill and others Volume 2 consisting of:

White Angst

McCain: Portrait of a Fool

Wall Street Joy

Scout’s Honor

Mi’sa Obama Done Speaks At De Bush Lyberry Deddycasion

Oil Price Fixing

Drone Update


The Real Bush Library

Suspect #1: California

Kim Jung-Un: Time to Die

Back to a Recession: It’s Up To You

Magnitsky and Scientology

The Dow Jones Industrial Bullshit Average

California: Shrinking the Budget Deficit Through Fraud

Nobel Gay Prize

9/11 From Day One

The Average Reader (of TID)

Where Were the Sandy Hook Mothers in 2003?

Tomas Young and the Abduction and Trial of George Bush

Did you Vote for Obama?

Religious Hate2

Ground Control to Major Tom

Teach Peace

Welcome to the Fabulous 50’s: Now Run for Your Life

Somebody Just Shot 20 Kids: Don’t Answer the Phone

A Muslim Discussion

Kim Jong-Un: Not the bad guy Obama would have us believe

Obamacares Deeply About Alcohol

Bomb the Old People

Obama Affirms Feinstein’s Federal Hunting Limit on Children

Viktor Yanukovych: A Lesson in Leadership


The Big Business of Anti-Smoking

Fake Environmentalism

Shall We Gather at the Liver

Why Secession is a Very Bad Idea

The Syncretic Party

The Merkin of Venice: La Parte Due

Haggling Over Hagel

Third Category: Much Older Editorials and Articles by Warren-Hill and others Volume 1

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