Ron, Rand or Ru 1
Will the real Paul please stand up!2
Recently reading the July 1 edition3 of the National Review in a room where perusing that publication always facilitates the desired results, I turned to the article, Is Rand Paul the Answer? I didn’t know what the question was, so it was difficult for me to respond. Besides, I think it was rhetorical, and the author wasn’t really seeking input.
I supposed it had something to do with salvaging what’s left of the Republican party: You know, relying on Rand’s Libertarian leanings to bring new juice to a bunch of tired old white men and thus hopefully parlay dismal losses into victory. Trust me, if Rand ends up on the Republican ticket rather than holding a steady course with his beliefs, many of us will fall away.
As an Independent, neither Left, Right nor Center, and as someone who has from a purely academic perspective observed the decay of a once great civilization - some would argue contributing to it, in fact - may I suggest that the Republicans consider tapping, in a manner of speaking, RuPaul as the Republican Flagship Candidate around whom the party may best rally a broader swath of Americans - enlisting into this otherwise neoconservative, greed-encumbered, humorless, post-Modern Bible-thumping, steadily-diminishing political remnant: cross-dressers, iconoclasts, naysayers, pimps and hustlers, and an aging yet chicly-attired collective of those who know the lyrics to every song in La Cage aux Folles?
Maybe Palin and he/her could put together a little something extra for the forthcoming Republican Convention? (Best of Bette? Note: Consider San Francisco, West Village, or West Hollywood as possible convention sites with a guest performance by the Village People.) Either way it will turn Rand loose to run and win and as a Third Party candidate and still give the Republicans what they want: A Paul to offer up to the populace.
1.You do remember RuPaul, do you not? Noted transvestite and questionable entertainer of 1980’s fame. It is speculated that RuPaul was actually none other than Wm. F. Buckley Jr., in blackface and drag.
2.This editorial represents a much-needed break from Syria.
3.I don’t like to rush into the NR, preferring to let it breathe for a bit after opening…allowing the stink to fade.
Republican for President

Don’t stare too long at the picture: She’s a dude.