US Patent Office cancels Redskins
The US Patent and Trademark Office has elected to cancel the trademarked name of Washington DC’s Redskins believing that it disparages our “Native American” population, unlike alcohol and drug abuse which has systematically permeated and, of course, done so much to enhance the image of our American Indian population. Apparently, the Feds would like to take our minds off of the growing dismal state of the economy and our potential re-involvement in Iraq, and so are attempting to do so by inflaming those genetically inclined (impaired) by Sports (i.e. the painted-face, beer-swilling rabble who cling to sports vicariously achieving their life’s ambitions.)
Given our insufferable itch to re-invade Iraq, real US Unemployment where 90 million of our otherwise qualified workforce are not working, Global Instability, a viciously-warming climate, the persistent reliance on Fossil fuels, the morbid nature of economic growth in the US, our vastly growing Trade Deficit with China and elsewhere, and the many other complex issues facing America today, The US Patent Office has prepared a list of further name cancellations if the Redskin change proves insufficient to distract America’s beleaguered populace. Among them are the current NFL team names, the Detroit Niggers, the Houston Beaners, San Francisco Chinks, Chicago Wops, Kansas City Crackas, and the Yonker’s Yids. Have we forgotten anyone?
Pay attention: We face evils much greater than some insipid, construed disparagement. We face true hate in this world, perpetuated to a large extent by Dick Cheney, below, and his Oil Buddy, George W. Bush.
Cheney appeared on Wall Street Week to argue that President Obama has fallen miserably short in his approach to Iraq. (Editor: And just about everything else, just as did Bush.) Cheney’s comments were, of course, without urging from any of his corporate sponsors who currently face losing both the Majnoon and West Qurna Oil fields in Iraq - two of the world’s largest reserves - should the insurgency prove successful. (Mr. Cheney’s wardrobe courtesy of sponsors (logos indicated). At least now we actually know for whom he’s working.)

Why have we not brought Bush, Cheney and Obama to trial for their miscarriage of duties, their malfeasance while in office? Watch the movie, The Abduction and Trial of George Bush, at no charge, here.