Apple’s Arizona Expansion
Finally, some good news. Jim Probasco of Benziga (a news source should you not have made their acquaintance) reports that Apple is opening an Arizona facility initially employing some 700 people in actual manufacturing with an additional 1,300 jobs in the development and construction of the production and ancillary Green manufacturing facilities. Many thanks, Tim Cook and Jan Brewer.
The plant is slated to produce “things” for Apple’s iPhone 5s. What things we don’t know.
As Arizonans, though, may we propose a solution to the two-holstered carry: Cell Phone and Sidearm?
In order to address the many issues associated with the confusion resulting from answering your firearm or trying to call out on a .38 special, Apple’s new iPhone 9mm ought to feature the best of both worlds: the ability to call, text, access the Internet, and hunt.

Here’s a mock-up of what we think the vast majority of Arizonans are looking for:

iPhone 9mm. Features include One-Click Dialing; iTunes; iCal; and iBlowyouawaysucka with all the other features iPhone users have come to expect, along with a sure-fire, anti-in-person-spam block. We imagine it will only be available in 9mm for the present, with plans for a 2015 release of iPhone .50cal once the weight issue is overcome: To date, prototype designs weigh in at a little more than 35 pounds, about the same as a 1980s era analog cell phone.