Publishing Resources


How may we help?

Maybe you’re a writer who just needs a little help moving your book along.

Perhaps you’re looking for an Editor to smooth out the flow of your work.

Are you seeking a publisher for your recently completed Manuscript?

Or, maybe, like many you’re simply lost in the world of getting your book to Print.

Large firm Literary Agents are all but useless except to those who don’t need an Agent. We’re not in that market: We’re here to help.

If you imagine that Publishing your manuscript is the same as it was just twenty-years ago, you’ve missed the last score of years completely. Today, Celine is not standing about fidgeting while his editor tensely reviews his latest work to be rushed off to the printers. Sylvia Beach isn’t gazing up at Joyce with a subtle nod to praise his most recent epic. A drunk Kerouac isn’t falling down a flight of stairs hastily making way to City Lights. And very, very few of today’s writers are sitting at a small bistro table in Paris awaiting their next royalty check while sipping an absinthe, burning cigarettes like a diesel l’autobus, pensively casting their eyes along le boulevard.

Those days are gone.

What is, is a Digital World absent any personal relationship between Author and Agent for nearly every agency but ours. But, to be clear, Agents are absent today too, in the traditional sense of the word: They are for the most part uneducated in their field and, much worse, likely unread. Their skill-set is Marketing and knowing what that market says, ipso facto, proves the viability of a manuscript based on data accumulated from those who are part of the active readership (uneducated, unread, unimaginative as well) in the United States and elsewhere. A taste for good writing, like your’s, doesn’t enter into it.

Setting aside Political writing, for example, unless your protagonist is a
disabled Black bisexual woman, your manuscript is unlikely to find a market with nearly every Agent today because it’s very Today to have a lot of Gay characters: Not Dikes or Fairies, but Gay: Publishers striving to bend the world to their view of reality, regardless of majority opinion to the contrary.

If your writing style is too prolix, embedded with polysyllabic words that require thought on the part of the reader, or references esoteric tomes you’ve read and quoted, or may require access to a dictionary (of today’s or yesterday’s style), you may count it out. Your intended Agent may not understand what you’ve written and likely will defer interest in your work, being confused by your words, accustomed as they are to a world largely of ignorance.

The self-centered Readers of today, propelled by Social Media, want to read about themselves, directly or through other characters. Gaining knowledge is not a large part of the today’s readers’ needs, and unless you’re one of them, you won’t meet the
acid test for acceptance; from our perspective, that’s a good thing. Take heart!

Think of us as an obscure, specialty agency interested in unique approaches: the New Directions of today. We would never tell Henry Miller that his book is too dirty to print. We would never torment Stefan Zweig.

So, if you have a new and interesting style that is literate, has nothing to do with Artificial Intelligence, either as subject or
definitely Not Used in its creation; if the theme is offbeat, unique or challenging; if you have met with a multitude of denials and feel frustrated and not understood, we’re the people you want to contact.

We’ll proofread your manuscript and provide a brief summary of our thoughts regarding its marketability from our perspective, which you’ll likely find helpful in taking your manuscript (closer) to completion.

After your book is edited and formatted, and with your permission, formatted and
smithed to appropriately enclose your novel or biography, we’ll either publish it here or strive to place it with an appropriate publisher at as little cost to you as possible.

After, we provide a professional book review in our (with a readership of far more than 30,000 per month), and at no additional cost to you, record an author interview posted to our YouTube channel (@TheIndependentDaily) with a copy of the review emailed to you for posting to any Social Media site you may choose, along with a Press Release under our publication name for use by you to
Spread the Word, promoting sales and increasing presence.

Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? So, how may we help you?

Thank you,
Joseph Warren,