The Independent Daily

Published simultaneously in Arizona, USA, and Carlow, Ireland
Every month tens-of-thousands of readers from more than 30 countries read this journal in-depth: welcome!
Joseph Warren, Editor/Contributing Writer
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Name, Website, All Contents copyright 2011-2024 Warren-Hill Productions

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Ironically, what California and Hitler Got Right and Wrong: Eugenics
How to Install and Use a Toilet Seat Bidet (and Eugenics)
Hate in the “Next Europe”
Merry Christmas and Pass the Ammo: Guns in Arizona
Einstein’s Wristwatch: Relativity and Religion Reconciled
Quixotic Fiction: Don Rey Hombre de Arizona
While you’re here, consider visiting our new site to learn about Savannah’s Sherlock Holmes, renowned Black detective, and his associate, Doctor John H. Watson, chronicling Holmes’s recent death at Toccoa Falls, Georgia.

Issue: 10 October 2024

The Tale of the Beetle and the (BYD) Seagull
Were (or Are) Henry Ford, Adolf Hitler, Ferdinand Porsche, and Wang Chuanfu Visionaries?

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

Want an Affordable EV with Good Range and Value?
Too Bad! So do I, but it ain’t gonna happen, Bud!

In 1942, propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels described the future of Germany as that of "a happy people in a country full of blossoming beauty, traversed by the silver ribbons of wide roads, which are open to the modest car for the small man” (and)…chose as one of its major efforts to promote a “People’s Car” (Volkswagen) for the German public.
-United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The VW Beetle: A car meant to liberate the masses. To provide mobility and freedom at a very reasonable cost (about 1000 Deutsche Marks in 1938, or a few hundred US Dollars). Meanwhile, back here in the United States, about the same time, a new Chevrolet might cost the average consumer somewhere around $1,500 or more, or somewhat more than $20,000 today. The premiering VW Beetle was not only a few hundred dollars less, but they were more economical to drive and less costly to repair. There was a visual appeal to them, too, one that insured its place in American car culture for decades to come, starting from its initial introduction in 1949.

Update on affordable EVs:

Since May, 2024 Biden has imposed an 100% tariff on Chinese-made EVs. So, any Chinese EV that you might buy, but you can’t buy because BYD, as an example is not allowed to import to the United States, but if they could, would cost you twice the price of what you think it might cost because of this tariff. So, the BYD Seagull at $11,000 would cost you at least $22,000, but you can’t buy it anyway. That’s the good news. You just saved $22,000!

Just very recently, Biden and his collective brain trust decided that if you could buy a BYD Seagull, as an example, but you can’t,
it cannot be sold in the USA NOW because it is listening to everything you say, apparently, and will use that vital information to nefarious ends. So you can’t! The problem is your Seagull may also be capable of controlling your toaster and any other device connected to your Smartphone, and of course your Smartphone, itself, capturing reams of critical data regarding your intimate actions so important to national survival, like all the useless data you post to your Social Media accounts anyway, thus giving Russia and China a decided strategic advantage in the event of nuclear holocaust.

“Yeah. That’s the ticket.”

So, Who behind the curtain is controlling these machinations? People blame GM, Ford and so many others for not wanting an inexpensive “People’s Car” in the US. But, they are forgetting Shell, Exxon-Mobil, and the many other international conglomerates who have so successfully controlled our actions in the past to a disastrous end. As an example, the Iraq War where
we successfully terminated the lives of hundreds-of-thousands of innocent Iraqis so that George W. Bush’s friends could acquire the Majnoon and West Qurna Oil Fields and no amount of Country Music can change that fact.

We require about 400 million gallons of refined crude oil every day. To whom will they sell this quantity of fuel to maintain revenue if Americans are zipping around in little EVs? At the moment, they’re hiding behind a complex construct of blame-targets.

Some years ago we wrote about emerging EV makers who were destined to miss the mark and likely fail in their ambitions to develop an EV with broad appeal, but succeed in defrauding investors. (It’s the way of the world nowadays…) And, not being students of History, they failed to see what both Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler had: that for a car to be successful it had to be economical to buy and to operate, relatively appealing, fun, easy to maintain, and broadly available.

Some years back I wrote Mark Fronmayer, the founder of Arcimoto, a startup in the world of EVs, who had developed a little semi-car which promised to do what Ford and Hitler-Porsche knew. Arcimoto’s drawbacks were in design. (I’d give you the Arcimoto site address but it no longer works…) Among its shortcomings were, although it was a two-seater, the passenger had to sit behind the driver in a motorcycle configuration. We drove a Honda Insight (first generation) at the time, and I thought it might be a good example to use. A response from Mark Frohnmayer of Arcimoto after reading an article we authored:

“...thank you for forwarding this along. A few corrections: we will offer full enclosure and air conditioning as options, though in sunny climates and on nice days you'll always want to ride it open. Furthermore, the windshield and dash are designed to reflect sound really well, so you can maintain a full conversation with your passenger no problem, even without the side panels on. Plus it parks in spaces your Insight will never fit into :-).”

Editor’s note: The little smiley face at the conclusion was added by Mr. Frohnmayer of Arcimoto. Also, Arcimoto for all purposes is seemingly no more…

Arcimoto succeeded in selling a few of its cars based on hype, just as many manufacturers of various products do today. Lots of videos. Glitzy promotions. Facebook rantings. Young people looking happy and of questionable intelligence driving merrily along in videos on Youtube and Tik-whatever.

Henry Ford understood that utility and a standard of comfort, fitting to the technology and times, were essential, along with a price that nearly everyone could afford. That’s why the Model T that bears his name carried a price tag of only about $300.

Henry Ford was a supporter of the Third Reich, in many ways. He believed in what Hitler was doing for his country, but
not as fervently regarding the treatment of Europe’s Jews. Of all Americans at the time, few were more supportive of the Third Reich’s ideals than Henry Ford. Not every genius displays genius 100% of the time…

Sometime during one of these conversations the subject of VW’s pricing must have come to light. I imagine the conversation:

I sink we should charge as much as possible for our new car, zen I can be rich! Whatever we can get away with, and zen I vill become very vealthy personally as a result. Nu? What do you tink, Henry? (Hitler often used Yiddish expressions.)

I think you should keep it priced so that nearly anyone can afford it. That’s what I did with the Model T. A little margin over many cars made me very wealthy, and the American public is better off for it.

But, zat’s not what Musk would do!


Or something to that effect. For greater insight into the relationship between Hitler and Ford, and to understand how others viewed Hitler, read, Who Financed Hitler, by James Pool and Suzanne Pool.

In our earlier article we said:

Recently Elon Musk of Tesla announced that his various frontline cars are capable of reaching nearly 400 miles in range owing to energy conservation achieved through programming techniques and other minor changes: that’s Step One to saving the world. Step Two is to make a car that sells for about $15,000 rather than $100,000. $15,000 most of us can afford: $100,000 still buys a house in most of America, or at least makes a substantial down payment. The 1972 VW Bug - a wonderful car capable of doing everything a car needed to do - sold for something like $2,500 when new: that’s about $15,000 today.

Enter BYD’s Seagull

Wang Chuanfu is the CEO of BYD: a Chinese company of massive proportions and successes. They make EVs. One EV they make, available just about
everywhere else in the world, except here in the United States, is the sometimes labelled, Seagull. (It goes by other names in other countries, for the same reason that Chevrolet couldn’t sell the named, Nova in Spanish-language countries because it means “Doesn’t Go” and that was not a good name for a car…)

This little Seagull sells for about $11,000, or less than a VW Beetle did 70 years ago, adjusted for inflation.

This little Seagull will get you about 200 to 250 or more miles per charge and charges quickly. It doesn’t yet meet US safety standards, but that would be a fairly simple process to bring about compliance. Why isn’t it available here and now after enduring one of the
most horrendous summers known to modern man owing to Climate Change?

Tesla, GM, Ford and others don’t want the Seagull to be available here. It will Gut our automotive industry, fledgling as it is in the EV market, and we are unable to compete with the far more advanced BYD.

Earlier I quoted Goebbels, “…happy people in a country full of blossoming beauty…” which sounds rather like a Chinese advertising slogan. Maybe we’re not
Happy enough to deserve the Seagull. Maybe we’re just incompetent as manufacturers. Probably, we’re just too greedy, too.

Reverse Engineering

Over many decades I’ve heard our country’s leaders dump scorn on the Japanese, Chinese and others for
reverse engineering our products back in the day when we innovated something other than software and decadence: Real, tangible products useful in the day-to-day requirements of living.

Caresoft company is doing precisely that to benefit American (and other) EV manufacturers. The video at this EV site includes the chief-somebody-or-other describing the car and the process of taking it apart to find out how BYD did it. It’s most amusing.

So, some long years from now we may have the opportunity to buy the GM-Seagull equivalent for a lot more money. In the interim, we will be protected by outrageous tariffs on Chinese-made products and other fabricated barriers to keep us consuming American-made cars subject to recalls and breakdowns, and perpetuate Climate Destruction. As an aside, if you live in the Land of Cocaine, Columbia, you can buy the Seagull today. And,
if you were thinking about a Fisker, you can forget that too!

Nothing’s going to happen to the world in the next few hundred years, anyway. Right?


Who lost the Great Debate?
In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats.
Former President Trump on Haitian immigrants residing in Springfield, Ohio

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

In Springfield, they're eating the dogs...
Dogs, maybe, but everyone knows Black guys don’t eat...

How to prepare a Dog:
Bosintang (boshintang)
or gaejangguk or in North Korea called dangogiguk is a Korean soup which includes dog meat as its main ingredient.

100 g. of boiled dog meat, and other yummy things…

I am uncertain which breed of dog might yield up maximum servings at 100 grams each, so let’s find out together:

boning your dog (which sounds just wrong, and is likely illegal in many jurisdictions), Fido will yield about 30% of its weight in edible meat. 100 grams is about 1/4 (.25) pound of meat. If McDonald’s Quarter Pounders were made of meat, this recipe would approximate that fast food product.

So, a 20-pound dog - a dog of relatively small size - should yield about, if 20X.30=7.2 pounds of meat, net, and thus you would have harvested enough meat for about 29 servings, at a little more than1/4 pound (
visually depicted at this site, since “servings” is not annotated).

I would invite Springfield’s Haitians to add their comments to the recipe and describe any side dishes appropriate to enhance the culinary experience. Also, for Californians, I don’t have any idea as to which wine to pair with this dish. Maybe
Thunderbird or Ripple, or something from a box, might setoff the gastrointestinal experience, or maybe just chronic flatulence. One of the two.

We’ve written before about a time coming in the United States when eating the family
Chow Chow as chow will lose its veil of opprobrium as a result of survival necessity. Perhaps as a result of this seeming inevitability other animals will drop off our “No way would I eat that list” and become family delicacies gracing America’s tables with aromatic splendor.

Rats, as an example. In the aftermath of whatever calamity awaits us, there will likely be an abundance of corpses requiring disposition. Neighborhood Rats tend to this splendidly, and if we view them as very-mini-cattle, Ranchable in a plethora of environs, then we will have created a very sustainable food supply to see us through whatever travails may follow. Imagine the Urban Ranching opportunities! Little Round-Up festivals. Open pit roasting. Square dances. Violin, uh, I meant fiddles scratching away into the evening while children wipe Rat grease from their chins and beg Mommy for just one more Rat.

India is very keen on Rat meat, as is Cambodia and numerous other countries. The idea is to advantage from the nutritional aspects of the meat, while eliminating these otherwise ponderous vermin from the environment. Below is a YouTube video where a Rat-on-a-Stick vendor tests his culinary product on a White tourist. He claims that most say it tastes like chicken, which everything other than chicken seems to (except for what Black guys don’t eat).

In the United States right now there are about 90 million dogs, most of which live on my street…

A little less than half of dog owners own more than one dog.
Coincidentally, most households in the United States keep more than one gun per household, which ought to make Fido a bit nervous.

Pew Research released survey data a while back where they had asked those who didn’t currently own a gun if they had considered buying one. They published the following laconic summary, “Many adults who don’t currently own a gun could see themselves owning one in the future.” Today, I would imagine the most likely response received to their telephone survey as, “I’m heading out the door to the gun store right now. Can I call you back?”

Rat and Dog Meat. Guns. Complete societal collapse.
Now you’re talkin’, Padner. Think I’ll rustle up another Rat-Stick.

And, who lost the Great Debate? We did.


Paris Hands-Off the The Olympic Torch to Los Angeles
Now, use the flame to burn down LA and start over...

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

Here are the names of those for whom I feel the deepest sorrow, all listed are responsible for the success of the 2028 Olympics to be held somewhere between crime scenes, fires, earthquakes, civil unrest, Smash & Grab robberies, rapes, assaults, car-jacking, drug dealers, the myriad proned under the influence of fentanyl-alcohol-cocaine or other drugs, through the labyrinth of tents and derelict motorhomes sprawled along residential blocks, and, equally as importantly, finding someone foolish enough to occupy the many boarded over and long-defunct businesses located, previously, in sometimes very fashionable neighborhoods the names of which are foremost on the minds of many visitors to the United States.

Specifically, they are
Messrs. Salomon, Siegel, Simon, Knox, Turner, Rosas, and someone who appears to somewhere south of 13 years of age, Michaela Reynolds. Keep them in your prayers: Or, at least, laugh discreetly.

How about a tour of tour of Los Angeles today?
How about Hollywood? Everyone wants to see their favorite movie star’s name on the famous sidewalk. Just keep your head down and don’t look left or right.

When I was a kid in the 1950s, no place in the world was more exciting than Downtown LA. Her’s what it looks like today:

So, with less than four years to go - much less than four years - they have a job of monumental proportions, exclusive of the event itself, which, really is nothing compared to the job of getting that fat, sloppy-drunk, ex-con, booze-hound old broad to look, if not appealing at least less offensive. O, and don’t forget about places to dine and relax and shop and do what I used to be able to do 40 or so years ago before the privileged Left ran the show.

By-the-bye, San Francisco is just as bad off... And
that really breaks my heart.


Household Debt: Good Job, America!
Consumering your way to Happiness…
by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

At the start of the year, U.S. household debt reached a record high of $17.3 trillion, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (NYFRB).

And, I feel certain it was for the best possible reasons you increased your personal indebtedness by nearly
Five Trillion US Dollars in the last 14 years. Probably a direct result of the greed so prevalent in our country today… Inflation, as it is rather benignly monikered, rather than gouging, rampant avariciousness, and a complete disregard for our fellow astronauts, is primarily responsible for today’s situation.

But, it’s hard to remember all the way back to 2007:
Gosh! That was 17 years ago! You’ve posted so many important things on Facebook since then. If you were born after 1995 I could almost forgive your stupidity. Perhaps just demented?

Around the world today we have joined hands in our pursuit of economic happiness. We are currently holding the hand of, among others, a giant Asian guy with sweaty palms whose Real Estate market is somewhat very south of where it was just a few years ago. China’s property market has, in fact, launched itself over the precipice in a free-fall that will undoubtedly lead to a hard landing.

International news reports (not having anything to do with sponge-headed Americana), are saturated with articles from various resources all concerning the same subject:
What is China going to do? Here’s an example from CNN:

The (Real Estate government fix program) is centered around Beijing’s adoption of a policy that has already been tested in a major city — asking local governments to buy unsold homes from developers and convert them into social affordable housing. It also features a reduction in mortgage interest rates and downpayment ratios, and more importantly, 300 billion yuan ($41.5 billion) in cheap central bank cash to fund state purchases of unsold properties. (Note: Yuan projected to fall by 20% or more to USD by end of 2024.)
CNN, May 21, 2024

For yet more fun watch one of the many videos, by the many purveyors on YouTube, currently posted, regarding the financial crisis gripping China for the last three or more years. Lots of tearful people of both sexes distraught over the loss of jobs/home/cars/family. It’s what we endured during 2007, and…

…Everyone else in the world followed suit. Nobody’s immune any longer from the house of cards that stretches from Beijing to Los Angeles to New York to London to Moscow to Rio to Riyadh. If someone pulls on that one thread sticking out of the world’s sweater, the entire economy unravels, to some extent.

When you’re done watching the above, search
China’s Housing Crisis for insight into how many Chinese are reacting to their loss of housing and/or life savings, and although the destructive acts of some may appear deranged and unlikely to occur here, let me assure you they are no worse than what many evictees did in our country in the three/four years surrounding the Housing collapse.

What can you do?

Stop buying unnecessary things.
Pay off your Consumer debts.
Buy a good used car when you need another.
Don’t pay inflated prices for a home or car.
Avoid Public Toilets.
(The last was sound advice from my other 60 years ago…)

“Oh, my God! Somebody tried to kill Trump!”
by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

Deleted because as a society we longer care...


The Purportedly Evil
Project 2025
(Or, as entitled by the Heritage Foundation:
Mandate for Leadership
The Conservative Promise 2025

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

July 31, 2024 Addendum:
I have not changed my mind regarding the opinions I expressed earlier in this article regarding Project 2025. Those who have rescinded support, including the Heritage Foundation, are bending to the path of the weak-willed masses hoping to stave off defeat in the coming election of their preffered candidate(s).

Straight-away I’d like to say that I have not yet finished all 922 pages, combining this manifesto with my other typical reading, but I have gleaned a great deal from a review of each segment and a detailed reading and validation of the first 250 pages: 1) It is not as painful as Proust’s
Remembrances…; 2) It is a scant 25% of the volume of Proust’s underwhelming epic; 3) And, of course, Donald Trump knows about the report. He must and it is a lie to deny it. And, to the point, there’s no reason why he ought to deny an affiliation with the plan: it’s a logical, analytical, truthful rendering of where America is today, and, more importantly, how to get us back on track.

How could he not know of it? Its authorship lies with the combined experiences and perspectives of the
Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank whose membership has been at the helm of the Republican Party for years. It also includes numerous members of former President Trump’s staff, executives, and his various minions who characterized the years of his administration.

It proposes to bring about change to a very decided degree, and perhaps one might even say,
Revolutionary changes but not in armed conflict, and it was irresponsible of Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, to even imply that this was a potential outcome.

Have you ever said, What’s the difference? Republican or Democrat: They’re all the same…

I have. I’ve said that. I bet you have, too. It’s one of the reasons I’m an independent. Many others I know are of the same opinion. They too are independents sort of blowing in the direction of the least offensive candidate being offered by either party who at least suggests a promise of integrity, intelligence and change directed to re-stabilizing America.

Change is impossible to achieve in our government today as it currently functions: Every election it’s as though there is no Executive difference being offered to the American public. It’s the same bologna sandwich in a different wrapper. And the cause lies within the government itself: we all know that.

A bloated bureaucracy comprised to some extent of half-wits and others who would otherwise be deemed unemployable. This rather acerbic definition likely applies to a significant portion of the US Congress, as well. The Civil Servants, though, are another matter indeed owing to their likely longevity and fairly immutable employment. And, they - this consistently the same, languorous, unelected bulk of Civil Service - are
those responsible for the constancy of idiocy overwhelming our government and frustrating attempts to manifest actual change.

They are the proverbial Swamp to be drained, and until articulated in Project 2025, no one seemed to address this issue.

Throughout history the preferred method to eradicating those who were reluctant to carry forward the message of new leadership was through
Purge. It remains a handy and useful device for introducing sweeping governmental changes while promoting philosophical alignment. Many countries still practice this remedy to recalcitrance. We do not. Even Churchill suggested using this method instead of trial at Nuremberg, “Just shoot them.”

Project 2025, if enacted all or in part, will do much to change the mechanics by which leadership controls our country.
And I like it. The reasonable changes it will bring about will set the country on a course more familiar with its founding and return us to some semblance of order. It will not be favored by some, especially those who control the majority press. It will be vilified by those whose lives are anchored to pedaling influence and persuasion to those who may be jobless following subsequent elections. It will be disdained by the Left, because they will fail to see that their turn in the barrel may shift the influence to polar-opposite. It will stabilize our country internationally and lend predictability to our actions. It will do much to place us on an economic path of sound fiscal practices, rather than our present downward spiral to inevitable doom, because to there we are certainly headed.

And, yes, we will lose some of our currently warped egalitarian perspective, what is excruciatingly referred to as Woke culture (in complete disregard to the precepts of Gurdjieff).

Project 2025 will likewise place control of the country in the hands of the
person we elect to office every four years, and perhaps, will draw to the process men and women with the intelligence and acumen necessary to lead us into a more cordial future, because at the moment, I wouldn’t want the job and apparently few others do.

Who the hell would?

More on this issue later as I plod through this Himalayan document while continuing my other, far more salient reading.

Phoenix Police Department:
Chastised by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for Effectively Doing Their Jobs

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

At home: Every year hundreds of Arizonans - mostly women - fall victim to Domestic Violence. Most of this abuse occurs in the greater Phoenix area. Every year more than 100 Arizonans are killed as a result.

Annually, hundreds of these abuse victims are sent to the hospital to be treated and released after recovery: in some cases back to the same environment in which the injuries were sustained. Some never recover completely from the severity of their injuries. Some sustain additional harm. And for some, the cumulative effects of beatings, and worse, result in death.

In many cases, the person who stands between Death and Life is a Police Officer. Sometimes it’s too late:

Headline: A Mesa husband convicted of killing his wife after she said she wanted a divorce will spend decades behind bars…

On the streets: Every day in Phoenix, and around the country, our police officers are assaulted with firearms, fists, feet, vehicles, sticks, rocks, profanity, knives, and hate. Every day: 365 days of every year until they retire or quit. Some are terminated for cause owing to a complaint or action which the department, for which they work, deemed grievous enough to sever their employment.

Sometimes these claims of abuse by cops are contrived by those who hope to profit by them, and they very often do: It’s
Lawsuit Lottery and, evidently, pays well if the media can be certain to video the right number of minority members tearfully and somberly gathered together with the obligatory religious leader providing comfort during this “difficult time” while an array of her surviving children lend her support on the flanks. Interestingly, none of the deceased former victims are present at these woeful events.

This, unfortunately, will likely happen much more until we learn that the police, too, are humans and not devoid of frustration and anger: An anger that may result from a cynical and condescending public.

When I catch body-cam footage of a cop interacting with a thug I think, OK.
If I were the cop, when would I just shoot this guy and call it a day?

It seems as though I’d be reacting much earlier in the event than the actual officer.
Thus, I am not a cop. I have too little tolerance for aberrance and stupidity. Youtube is filled with clips of speeding drivers evading cops at very high speeds endangering countless civilians. When, and if they relent, the drivers appear startled when they are withdrawn brutally from the car. They see it as abuse: I see it as a direct result of the preceding events. Most normal people would and do.

Brutality: As I scan the news daily, I am taken aback by how frequently our cops are assailed by people who have lowered their thresholds for civilized behavior to Subhuman. I wonder, How can this be?

How is it that our society has devolved to such an extent that we have reached the point knowing that any time we walk the streets or visit a store or enter a restaurant we may have to defend ourselves from elements of society bent on taking something from us, from a few dollars to our lives, because that is what is happening in our country today:

Street War between every American who isn’t a deviant or criminal, pit for survival against those who are.

And, the numbers of criminals increases everyday as the effectiveness of the Police is constrained by the clamor of those who support the actions of the criminal through contrived excusability. Some of us even support the denigration of the Police profession by furthering
Defund rhetoric proffered by those whose heads are securely stowed elsewhere.

Look: no job today is likely lonelier than being a Personnel Recruiter for a police department. Very few of us want the job. Very few of us qualify any longer owing to disqualification for prior criminal activities, drug use, obesity, or just the realization that one can earn as much doing any number of other jobs that don’t require the level of commitment or danger of being a cop in America today.

Because I was discharged Honorably in 1972 my driver license carries the identifier, “Veteran,” and store clerks will sometimes say, “Thank you for your service” when I offer my I-D for whatever reason. They are always so sincere and it is with reluctant truth that I reply, “I did nothing for three years, but thank you for saying it.”

Nowadays, I think, we need to elevate our view of the world, and realize that those who are doing battle today on the
Home Front that is America, are our Police: all 700,000 of them.

So, thank you for your service!

And continue to do what you do without regard to (Merrick Garland) Biden’s DOJ. The vast majority of the public support you.

Unfortunately, New York Gets It Wrong More Often Than You Would Believe

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

Deleted because as a society we longer care...

The Legacy of Spandau Prison:
Nazi Leadership, the Trials, and Donald Trump...
Of course it was political!
An older article worth a second read today following the May 30 trial outcome:

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2024

Deleted because as a society we longer care...

The 100,000 Dollar Club!
Join Today!
(O, wait: You’re already a member, like it or not.)

by Joseph Warren, Editor

Deleted because as a society we longer care how in debt we are...


Pfizer Vaccine: It’s nice (and sadly unfortunate for some of our fellow-citizens) to be right!
From the office of the Attorney General of Texas:
Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er for Mis­rep­re­sent­ing COVID-19 Vac­cine Effi­ca­cy and Con­spir­ing to Cen­sor Pub­lic Discourse

by Joseph Warren, Editor
Deleted because as a society we longer care...


The “Mexican Button”
and Uncle Sam

by Joseph Warren, Editor

It all started about three years ago while Uncle Sam was at his little vacation home in Bisbee, Arizona. It’s a small, adobe-style home built in the late 1890s of traditional materials situated perfectly in the Old Town section of Bisbee near restaurants, shops, and old cowboy saloons and (former) whorehouses (not housing former whores today, but previously housing actively involved whores), that served the multitude of miners who frequented the once-remote mountain community just a few miles up from Mexico. He has off-street parking and no stairs to climb: both premiums in the vastly over-priced hamlet.

Although modernized, Uncle Sam has kept his old adobe true to original appearance with subtle touches of technology that do not intrude on the home’s historic appearance. Nice. It’s also on the Historic Registry so there are some aspects of the house he cannot change, principally concerning the front elevation: windows, doors, and the like, so that from outside when viewed from the street, the home must appear much as it had for more than one-hundred years past. And, in fact, it looks very much as it did in vintage black-and-white photographs taken by Mr. Fly when he wasn’t preoccupied by events in Tombstone...

Read the entire article here in .pdf

Who Will Win? Trump or Biden?
Well, I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Voting for...

by Joseph Warren, Editor

From the Desk of the Editor:
The last four years haven’t been nearly as enjoyable as the prior four, and all I have to show for it is a lot more Mexicans.

Some short time ago, before taking a trip to to the circus with our two frozen embryos, Myron and Eugenie (in keeping with Alabama law), I was reviewing the statistical data on our site - the one you’re looking at right now. I belatedly noticed that an incredible number of our visitors every month enter via a file called, “Old Index” which is accessed through, So, I went to the page and reviewed the very aged contents.

It’s all about Trump, post-election 2016, and long before today’s iteration of Tammany Hall Democrats descended on Trump to beat him senseless (and out of existence as punishment for his perceived transgressions against the Left Wing, Democratic Party’s Best Practices and Acceptable Language operations manual). His betrayal drew their wrath and he is now suffering the consequences of his peccadillos.

Some of our comments regarding those
Knee-Slapping, Belly-Laughing, Hilarious Years early in his administration, and really, throughout his term, are worth reliving because they truly were exceptional and heady times for Americans as we wrestled with our quickly changing path of government. It was a fun time, no doubt. Who’ll ever forget the remonstrance offered by Jerrod D. Tatum, PhD (‘12, Trump University) defending our new Commander-in-Chief? Or, our intended regular feature, Who Said It? Donald Trump or Josef Goebbels? which fell appropriately by the wayside.

So, owing to my lack of enthusiasm or creativity at the present moment attributable to an aching tooth, we invite you to relive those
Magic Moments as you recall Trump’s assemblage of characterful personalities and events like Betsy DeVos, Kellyanne Conway, James Comey, TrumpCare, Paul Ryan, Cayla the Chinese Spy Doll, when we first learned that Torture really does work, and a host of lesser and greater people and events. With the benefit of hindsight, it was all so entertaining, although at the time I recall that I found myself deeply concerned about the state of our country. How foolish of me for I now see after four years of Joe Biden how much fun we were actually having during the Trump administration! And, after all, isn’t that point of life? (And Democracy?)

The good news today? I’m more worried about the state of our country, but I think we should go down laughing: As Sartre said, there’s
No Exit, so why not?

Here’s a teaser of what you’ll find at the
Old Index link:

Betsy DeVos… probably went on to say that Slave Ships similarly were the early pioneers of true choice in international cruises, permitting intercontinental excursions by their passengers at an affordable rate. Here’s an early image from Betsy DeVos’ presentation to the Association of Travel Agents touting Slave Ship Tourism:

Slave ship

“Our passengers retire to the opulence of their cabins after enjoying a spirited game of shuffleboard. Dinner at 6! Formal loincloth required!” Captain Phillips of the Hannibal says, “Join us on your next voyage. You’ll be treated like (a Negro’s) family!”

Washington DC Lies and Half-Truths:
No. 1: Mexico Overtakes China in Imports to the United States
No. 2: Violent Crime is Down

by Joseph Warren, Editor

From the Associated Press:
For the first time in more than two decades, Mexico last year surpassed China as the leading source of goods imported by the United States. The shift reflects the growing tensions between Washington and Beijing as well as U.S. efforts to import from countries that are friendlier and closer to home.

“(Democracy is based) not so much on any rational theory as upon the organized hatred of the lower orders.”
- Henry Mencken

The US Department of Commerce has released data supporting this truncation showing simultaneously the value of China’s exports to the US dropping to $427 billion while Mexico’s exports to the US increased to $475 billion, annually. Maybe I’ve just been spending far too much time lately in the intimate company of HL Mencken, but this disclosure has a fragrancy to it that seems more appropriately emanating from a Los Angeles Skid Row alleyway than from our Department of Commerce. It’s a spurious summary of the actual truth.

Clearly, Mexico is not producing the products we buy in lieu of those produced previously in China. China has not furloughed 600 million workers leaving them to languish in the equivalent of 1930s American breadlines awaiting the beneficent doling out of a cup of Wonton soup. And, while Mexico may be geographically a lot closer, their relationship with China and Russia in the last several years ought to be considered by many US citizens as suspicious and, perhaps, not as friendly as the Biden administration portrays it to be, notwithstanding the occasional
Bidentoben when the subject of China surfaces...

Read the entire article here


Writing for Americans

by Joseph Warren, Editor

Right now 54% of US adults read below the sixth-grade level.

Deleted because as a society we longer care how ignorant we are...


January 31, 2024, ABC News: “China's hackers are preparing to 'wreak havoc' and 'cause real world harm' to Americans: FBI director”

by Joseph Warren, Editor
Several months past we ran the below article imagining what small-town America might look like in the aftermath of a Chinese invasion, based on Steinbeck’s epic,
The Moon is Down. Perhaps it will make more sense to you now if you at least scanned today’s news... (unless you have no idea who Steinbeck was, in which case you shouldn’t be here: Go to TikTok instead.)

Deleted because we are being hacked by everyone...


Mein Kampf:
As updated by Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel’s “Super-Secret Guide” to Extermination of the Palestinian (Semitic) People
by Joseph Warren, Editor

You won’t grow horns and develop a bifurcated tail if you read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Instead, you’re likely to clearly see that Israel’s Netanyahu is following Hitler’s path for the systematic destruction of Europe’s Jews, as applied today to the Palestinian (Canaanite) people. One bad turn deserves another, I suppose.

Ironic? I don’t think so. I think Netanyahu is well read, and in Hitler’s epic work he found a tried-and-true strategy to change his region of the world for what he calculates, the better – an End that justifies the Means to the same extent as his “Uncle Adolf” did 80 years past. (One man’s vermin is another man’s repast.)

The Learned Elders of Zion

Mein Kampf is not exactly an obscure treatise on Hitler’s eradication of the Jews. It isn’t a vague work like, The Jewish Peril, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. It isn’t even in Sanskrit. Mein Kampf is an easy-to-read treatise on one sociopath’s view of Germany at a most uncomfortable time in the world – in the wake of the very punitive, and thus untenable, Treaty of Versailles...

Read the entire article here

Fascism, Ghosting & Trump

Deleted because as a society we we need a Fascist state, being too ignorant to govern ourselves.

Biden’s Likely Plan: Start-A-War.
A Tradition in American Presidential Elections

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

Deleted because as a society we crave war.

I Do Not Appear in Anything Henry Miller Wrote…
But, “Little” Bruce and Jacqueline Springer do, and not in a “Dirty” book.

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

Regarding Bruce’s sister, Jacqueline, carried along by Miller as the three returned from a visit to the Albuquerque Zoo..
Her little arms! The feel of them melted my heart completely. Of course, she wasn’t as tired as she pretended to be.
Henry Miller, The Air-Conditioned Nightmare

I think it was Ford Madox Ford who initially got Miller on the road to success when he passed off a manuscript of Tropic of Cancer to his publisher in Paris and said, “This is a dirty book. You should publish it.” He did, and thus was born a genre of literature that would include Bill Burroughs and other creators of literary smut of every imaginable variation that would eventually encompass a fairly substantial collection that I consider still worth reading; the practice of sex remaining unchanged the past one-hundred years or so (maybe more?). In an old film interview I recall Henry Miller saying, “We f**ked just as much back then. We just didn’t talk about it.” (Of course, the genre extends back thousands of years: We’ve always been fascinated by the subject given there’s so little else to do in this mortal form that generates as immediate a sense of gratification.)

But who was Bruce Springer? Other than being the reason for this article, here’s an excerpt from his obituary appearing on

Bruce Michael Springer died peacefully at home on September 20, 2022, surrounded by his family. He was born in Albuquerque New Mexico on October 6, 1935, to Lowell and Lona Springer...

Read the entire article here

Two Years Ago I Suggested a Fifty-Cent Bullet to Remove Putin

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

Instead, today, we’re subventing the slow, painful execution of the Ukraine and Russian population to further the wealth of our Merchants of Death, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Just as we did (or are currently doing) in Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq and Israel and... Do you not see the insanity and vulgarity of our actions? How could you not?

While I applaud every effort to reduce global population and reintroduce some manner of homeostasis to our environment, my suggested approach would have eliminated the first problem: Putin’s war of aggression fueled by his long-standing psychosis. Then, ideally, we look at controlling and reducing our run-away global population by more scientific means other than through the invention of conflict and its associated misery and trauma, fueling violence in America as we continue to teach our younger generations how conflict is resolved: by violence, all to benefit the vast web of those who make the world’s killing machines.

As Dwight Yoakam’s character said in the movie
Slingblade, “Exactly how retarded are you?” (Directed to anyone who supports our actions regarding the myriad countries where we wage or support war and despotic control.)

How to Fight the Fentanyl Epidemic
Stop Using Narcan:
Problem Solved.

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

A Modest and Painful Proposal.

Every reference I’ve read speaks to the repeated use of Narcan (or one of many alternatives) as a means of curtailing the effects of Opioid overdose, Fentanyl and otherwise, many times on the same Abuser, Junkie, Addict, or as we are led to believe, “Poor Weak Souls.”

I understand its use keeps many people happy and employed, including, particularly, Emergent BioSolutions (Narcan’s maker) and competitor products made by Teva Pharma, and others, as well as various government entities who can thus speak to the number of lives saved and justify their existence. And Drug rehabilitation and treatment facilities that very much want to
treat-release-treat-release…the same users to perpetuate their client and funding base. And Homelessness housing solutions (very often related to active Drug use and Alcoholics) so that they may continue their efforts to house many of those who seemingly do not want to be housed.

Everyone benefitting is enthusiastically embracing Narcan’s use...

Read the entire article here

Google: Cute Name; Evil Company
by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

Deleted because as a society we hunger to expose our most private lives to Google, Facebook, Twitter (or whatever it is) and TikTok.

The Plug-In EV Charging Station:
Killing Fields of Tomorrow?
WaterWorld of Today?
Dawn of a New War?

(You get the idea...)

What a piece of work is man...
- Shakespeare (Shakspere),

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2022

The behavioral problems of our society are not negated by the introduction of alternative fuel vehicles, notwithstanding how Peace-Loving they may appear. (You can almost see the little Peace signs and sticky flower decals pasted on the sides, along with a
Deadhead sticker in the back window, à la 1968 can’t you?)

No amount of Peace and Love though can negate the fact that people have always behaved badly when driving; when parking; when fueling; when doing anything remotely related to cars – fossil fuel or electric or a hybrid combination. As the necessary popularity of EVs and commensurate charging grows to complete one’s tasks, we can safely expect violence to ensue. It’s already happening.

Freud famously said,
All humans are assholes when not being video-taped, but he was wrong (see below), and what will happen tomorrow when the competition for EV Charging really heats up as some percentage of the more than five or ten-million EVs then to be on the road compete for charging at an estimated 300,000 individual charging stations, sometimes obstructed or occupied by conventional car owners who simply want to make the EV owner pay an added emotional tariff for owning a Tesla (or other perceived expensive or exotic electric car)?

Every Tesla owner knows what happens when they drive their Tesla, occasionally confronted by irritated non-EV people who see the Tesla owner as a threatening example of arrogance and affluence. To many they’re like a vehicular Mark Zuckerberg: There’s something about him that just makes you want to punch him really hard in that stupid little face, for no really good reason other than that he is an existential annoyance. In a real world, he (and EVs) are something that should not be, in the ontological sense of the word. They are in opposition to the nature of the universe. Nietzsche wouldn’t be caught dead in a Tesla or with a Facebook account in the MetaVerse, or whatever these dweebs are calling it.

“Charging at home overnight makes charging while underway for daily, mostly local tasks unnecessary!” you say?

According to
AAA Public Relations Manager Andrew Gross, the organization responded to precisely 194,317 out-of-gas calls from January to April 2022. This does not include other roadside help resources: other insurance companies, a friend easily imposed upon, or your Mother.

Your Mother: Happy that you made it home safely, “Baruch HaShem!”

As to an EV, your Mother cannot deliver a bottle of electrons, and neither can AAA although they do have limited mobile charging services, which means EVs will require a
much higher level of discipline than currently apparent in our society. That said, emergency roadside charging is being expanded in preparation to take on the many who live like Cosmo Kramer thrilling to the challenge of squeezing out the last mile from their local dealership demo car:

Companies like
SETEC Power, currently operating in China, are starting up to provide roadside recovery charging, including the venerable and reliable AAA, and developing business models for economically feasible where-you-end-up assistance, and when you get a gander at the rig required to deliver roadside charging, you’ll sense correctly that a pizza will not be sufficient payment.

194,317 out-of-gas calls from January to April 2022

In just four months time, that is how many people ignored their gas gauges (or the equivalent of the Charge Level gauge in an EV) and called AAA for assistance:
just AAA. Consider that unlike EV Charging, Gas Stations are everywhere. They are as ubiquitous as hookers on Market Street in San Francisco, or so I’ve been told regarding the hookers. It’s hard to miss a Gas Station and they far, far outweigh EV stations of comparable purpose. So do the hookers, for that matter, but neither Sonni nor Tempest can blow up your battery, although if you need a ride, they’re available.

Then, combine the time it takes to recharge an EV to an acceptable extent – enough to get you another 50, 100 or more miles down the road, compared to that of a fossil fuel conventional automobile, and the real problem becomes clear.

EV charging time varies from about 15 minutes, at the very least at a
superfast Tesla charger, to as much as several hours at home. (Filling up with gasoline is about a five minute process except for the most addled fidgeting with their supermarket discount cards or trying to decide if they need a car wash.) Some non-Tesla fast chargers can do the job in an hour or more, but that is a very long time to sit at a charging station while the line behind your EV continues to grow, particularly if you – the driver – don’t appear busy tending to the charging process even though the least sentient person ought to know that there is nothing you can do to speed the process along, short of shouting encouraging words to the little electrons as they move down the wire and into your battery. “C’mon little guys… You can do it!”

What will happen tomorrow when the competition for EV Charging really heats up?
This is what will happen:

It’s our version of today’s human condition. It’s deplorable. It’s insipid. It’s hateful and violent, and
it is who we are, generally. Already the numbers on the tote board are spinning as more and more of us find our way into EVs during this last spate of exotically-priced petrol continues into the foreseeable future.

When 50% of us drive EVs will gun violence increase proportionately? Or will the lessened consumption of hydrocarbon fuels yield greater placidity veiling us with a diaphanous cloak of true peace and love? My money’s on the former. And, lastly, if you drive an EV, this may be your future:

The race to build more and better charging stations is on as recognition of the immediate and future needs of EV owners becomes more apparent. And in their recklessness, municipalities and up are hell-bent, in some cases, on mandating charging predicated on square footage of the facility or as a percentage of parking overall, placing the cost of developing charging stations on the Small Business person whose goal is to realize an American dream: preferably one that is fueled by petrol, and not at $5,000 or more out of her pocket per charging station. The math doesn’t work...

Note: Neither Warren nor Hill drive an EV. At 3,000 miles per year, it doesn’t pencil out, and you can only have my Jaguar XK8 after you pry my cold, dead fingers from the steering wheel.

Drug Use, Homelessness, Crime, Vast Overpopulation, and Societal Collapse

Look on the bright side: Biden’s staffing up by 300,000 troops for a war in Europe. Maybe Putin-Xi will blow us off the face of the earth! Problem Solved.

by Joseph Warren, Editor
copyright 2023

When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water...”
- Vice President Kamala Harris

In today’s radically strange world, our Vice President was condemned for this supposed slip-up. Not oddly, I consider it to be one of the most truthful statements uttered by a politician over the last several decades. It may have been a deviation from her script, but from such “unintentional” words the truth lurks within. You may call it a Freudian slip or a parapraxis, but she is a schooled orator, Howard University graduate, and a graduate of Hastings Law: neither of which equate to Trump University, by the way, and require rigorous focus and academic excellence.

Take a moment and recall the
outside world during Covid lock-down: Clean Air...

Read the entire article here

Thinking About Replacing Your Current Car with Another Used Car?
Some thoughts on Greed and Debt

by Joseph Warren, Editor

Those sons-of-bitches over there ain’t buying. Every (car dealership) gets em. They’re lookers...take up your time. Over there...Get ‘em in a car. Start ‘em at two hundred and work down. Get ‘em out in a jalopy. Sock it to ‘em! They took our time.
Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath, Oklahoma Car Lot, 1930s

It wasn’t too bad until the Great Pandemic struck and Greed really took over: It’s pervasive. Today, Private Seller asking prices are half-again or more over what they ought to be, given normal value enhancement. Now, values are based on Scientific-Seller-Price-based-Research that looks something like this:

The potential seller has a “Completely Restored” 1978
Todesfahrt SS he would like to sell. (Todesfahrts were German vehicles produced prior to 1978. Google it.) “Restored” means that he painted over the body rust after adhering a few pounds of Bondo, and steam–cleaned the engine, spraying the block, the pipes, the inner-fenders – everything really, with a shaker can (or four) of paint, because taping off what you do not want to paint is just too tedious. Besides he was busy on YouTube at the time trying to find out if he should wear his ball cap completely backwards or off to one side, what t-shirt to accessorize with, and how to say, “Waazzz up YouTubers!” with the proper ignorant inflection...

Read the entire article here in a new page.

The Great Covid Pandemic:
Pfizer, BioNTech, Paycheck Protection Program, CARES Act
And Hypochondria

by Joseph Warren, Editor

“Data, data, data. I cannot make bricks without clay.”
- Sherlock Holmes

I’ll begin this article by saying that I strive to examine every bit of data (within the scope of what is available) to completely understand why people do the things they collectively do. It’s a reflection of my education and interests. And, like President Trump on camera when we were being briefed on the impending Covid apocalypse we faced as a nation, I think I wore the same look of confusion as he, finding myself completely and rationally disconnected from the hysteria of the moment as the words of the many “experts” marched before us and the mania took root and grew.

Those who denied the severity of the disease were cast by the Popular Media as fools or
right-wing anti-vax crazies who, for some dark and unknown nihilistic reason privy only to the condemning, wished to see humanity suffer for its foibles: a Divine retribution. It was as powerful a response to the opposition as it was in March 2003 against those of us who opposed the invasion of Iraq, and about this I know much, personally and deeply, and to today still carry an abiding hatred for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the co-conspirators...

Read the entire article here in .pdf

Mass Shootings:
Achieving Population Reduction, or a Terrible Waste of Good Ammunition?

by Joseph Warren, Editor

It’s certainly a very painful way to go about it, but let’s take a moment and recall what Jesus said, “Wherever four or more of you gather in my name, there is a likelihood of a mass shooting.”

The Guardian reported recently that the US is currently on-track to set a new record for mass killings estimating a number of events equalling sixty for the year 2023. That’s plainly not good enough. With a worldwide population of more than eight billion quickly dissipating natural resources, continuing food shortages, ignorance and illiteracy on the rise to levels not-seen in our country for many decades, failed educational systems, a pandemic of
debilitating social media, pervasive greed, malignant hate, and cancerous ennui regarding our shared state of being, we need to focus on reducing the number of people sharing our crowded little dirt-ball Earth.

Piecemeal, onesie-twosie assassinations won’t achieve the needed reduction...

Read the entire article here in .pdf


Uncle Sam 2
Our Uncle Sam Buys a House

by Joseph Warren, Editor

Uncle Sam is at his desk in the dark, cavernous reaches of his office in Washington, District of Columbia, his face aflood in light from his iMac’s 27-inch computer screen driven by the simultaneously-opened windows of
Zillow, Trulia (one-in-the-same, but he is unaware), Coldwell, and Craigslist, too, for safe measure and not to miss the likelihood of an FSBO opportunity, while stirring a large red-white-blue mug of coffee perched precariously next to his keyboard tipped awkwardly by a pencil caught between cup bottom and desktop: he is oblivious though to this pending consumer disaster, shocked as he is by the continued drive to higher prices in areas of his country which should have by now, owing to the untiring efforts of the Fed to drive down inflation, and other phenomena, dropped far more than they have.

Although Uncle Sam is vastly in debt, as we know from the uncomfortable credit interview during his last car purchase (
see below,, and notwithstanding mortgage rates that have exceeded the wildest expectations of the average consumer of today, hovering around 7-1/2 percent, and although his savings passbook rate remains at far less than 1 percent, he, because he is Uncle Sam, after all, remains optimistic about America’s future.

And, since being unceremoniously thrown out of his basement digs with Kamala Harris at her Naval Observatory residence, he’s been sleeping in the back seat of the car he bought on time in Kingman, Arizona, being rousted every night by Capitol Police for vagrancy and misdemeanors. (Being ejected from Harris’ home was not all bad since he was tiring from the constant blast of James Brown and Drifters’ music droning through the ancient floorboards until three in the morning and waking to find the lawn riddled with broken, empty Thunderbird wine bottles and the front windows shot-out.)

“I got to get the Hell out of here!” he thinks as...

Read the entire article here in .pdf


Uncle Sam
Our Uncle Sam Buys a Used Car on Time
But Finds that Our (National) Debt makes it Difficult.

by Joseph Warren, Editor

Our Uncle Sam is looking over a few cars in the auto sales lot of one of the “Auto Row” dealerships clustered along Stockton Hill Road here in Kingman, Arizona. He’s not certain which car he wants but is drawn to a sexy, older-model V8 dating from the 1990s before we began to worry
excessively about Climate Change sometime 30 years from now in the middle of this century when it’s far too late to do anything about it.

The salesman approaches. “That’s a beauty, ain’t it?”

Uncle Sam casts a nervous glance. “Yes. I guess. I mean, it depends on the price.”

“O, don’t fret that none.” He studies Uncle Sam for a moment. “Say, that is
some hat you’ve got there!”

“Thanks.” Uncle Sam fiddles with the hat brim a moment then steadies his gaze...

Read the entire article here in .pdf


We Must Accept Who We Are
by Joseph Warren, Editor

…a fragmented society, a mountain of conflicting interests, a nation which appeared to share nothing save poverty and the hatred of each against each…
From The Literary World review of Rudolf Ditzen’s (ndp, Hans Fallada) Little Man, What Now? (Kleiner Mann, Was Nun?)
Reproduced in the book’s Afterword commenting on Nazi Germany

If the words above sound like an adequate description of our world today, here, in the USA, and you too have asked, What Now? as I have many times in the past 20 years, then you will have discovered the timelessness of Ditzen’s book.
- Editor

Deleted because as a society we longer care what great Literature can teach us.


Pandemic Puppies
by Joseph Warren, Editor

The Antiseptic Baby and the Prophylactic Pup
Were playing in the garden when the Bunny gambolled up;
They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised;
It wasn’t disinfected and it wasn’t sterilised.

- From the poem
Strictly Germ-Proof, by Arthur Guiterman.
(Recited by our publisher, Greta Warren-Hill, 1965, Second Grade, at Four Corners Elementary School, Salem, Oregon,
before a live audience.)

Immersed in a plethora of advertisements for guns and drugs,
Craigslist, Facebook, and all other social media, is staggering from the weight of ads posted by those who during the Covid Pandemic elected to supplement their income by encouraging animal fornication in the jejune belief wealth would follow.

Many were (and are) asking extravagant sums for designer dogs following breed lines hitherto unknown, mating the most unlikely together to conjure what they assumed would be exotic and desirable objects of affection to the multitude of shut-ins and otherwise lonely-hearted who just needed a more organic “Like” than what might be achieved in the festering fetid swamp of popular online forums. New breeds emerging:
Puginese, Schweenie, Pithuahua and countless other neologistic approaches...

Read the entire article here in .pdf

“Not much going on... How ‘bout you?”
Since 2011
Consumer debt has spiked from about 11 Trillion to more than 16 Trillion dollars
by Joseph Warren, Editor

Deleted because as a society we longer care...


How to Install and Use a Toilet Seat Bidet
(and Eugenics!)
Listen to this!
Click the image for an audio file.
Listen to This! is an occasional feature on
by Joseph Warren, Editor

…in the merciless struggle for survival the unfit were doomed anyway and the fit destined to prevail.
Daniel Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics, on Karl Pearson

One year before the current COVID-19 pandemic began, very fortuitously we decided on a bidet toilet seat from Home Depot: it was the cheaper and easier way to approach a higher standard of hygiene and consequent evolution compared to the many space and plumbing challenges associated with a separate bidet commode, and far more commodious since it did not involve moving one’s tuchus from one pot to another. (Tuches, Tochas, and in the plural, Tuchii, are all transliterations, so don’t bother writing and criticizing my spelling.)

Our decision was made in November, 2019. It was the less expensive model without water heater: winter temperatures are frigid in northern Arizona at that time of year. The bidet seat’s instructions read something like, “T” the seat water line into your toilet’s cold water pipe, which I did.

Our water temperature averages about 40 to 45 degrees (Fahrenheit) during winter. At 8AM having your sphincter blasted by near freezing water...

Read the entire article here in .pdf

What Hitler (and California) Got Right and Wrong:
Eugenics and Euthanasia
by Joseph Warren, Editor

Reading is not an end to itself, but a means to an end.
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
(We’re quoting Hitler? Well, even a stopped clock...)

If more than 47% of white army enlistees were feebleminded that would make the United States, as one critic observed, ‘a nation of morons.’
Adam Cohen, Imbeciles:

Maybe so, or at least seemingly quickly becoming so. The former formal progression was Idiot, Imbecile, Moron – through to an IQ of about 80 (and less) under the Stanford-Binet test. Above that threshold – 80 – one is considered leaning toward “average” and only slightly impaired. People of average intelligence ranged (and range) from 90 to 110. We often meet people of the Moron persuasion, functioning within society to varying extents and performing tasks (currently) critical to our economy. We thank them for their help, smile, and walk away mumbling, “Jesus, what a moron.” Now, empirically, you may better understand the subtext of your comment.

The problem we have, though, is that with increasing rapidity the jobs currently fulfilled by these people are going away: disappearing into the abyss of technological advancement. Combine that with out-of-control population growth and the future looks, at the very least, bleak...

Read the entire article here in .pdf


On Reading Marquez and Saroyan
by Joseph Warren, Editor

Earlier this month my copy of Saroyan’s The Gay and Melancholy Flux (on the recommendation of a writer-friend, Bruce Janigian, read, Persona Non Grata: End of the Great Game) arrived post from the United Kingdom. I was able to read through about the first two-thirds of it before becoming miserably mired in the profundity of Saroyan’s many commentaries on humanity then (circa 1930s), as now. I see it all around us everyday; I see the reflections of Saroyan’s words in our society as we lope along unforgiving and lost in the madness of what has become a parody of itself in a world stampeded by souls unable to inhale and yet always hoping for a continued life among the living.

“…you can’t be born again until you die, and you are afraid to die, you are afraid to live…to look and talk and speak and move…who are you anyway?” (From the story, The Drunkard.)...

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J Warren, Publisher and Editor; GL Hill, Publisher and Contributing Writer; Warren-Hill Productions.
