A Reader Writes...
“...Where is all or any news about our corrupt President Obama and (Attorney General Eric) Holder ?” (R. Robert, AZ)
We’re not a “News” journal, Mr., Robert. We’re an opinion journal. We accept opinions from anyone who cares to submit an opinion as long as his or her written opinion meets the tests outlined in our Submissions section, Second Front Page.
As to President Obama: A cursory reading of the TID will yield several articles condemning many of his actions as counterintuitive to solving the vast difficulties we face. Sometimes, like a stopped clock though, his actions or inactions are spot-on.
We advance Independent thinking. It is up to you to decide for whom to vote, and how well they’re meeting your needs after being elected to office. Our job is only to give you fodder for thought and potentially increase your universe of understanding.
Sometimes, regardless of how well versed a reader may become, the results are the same, much like the axiom: You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.
Associated Press:
Lying Does Not Change Reality
A May 25, 2013 article by Associated Press writer Tom Raum, who must be on the Obama payroll, describes the vast economic improvements (italics added) realized in the last 18 months through the efforts of one President Obama. He describes how the Republicans are now in fallback position arguing other less salient issues having abandoned railing on Obama for the fiscal collapse occurring during the Bush administration.
Since this journal is neither Democrat nor Republican in slant, perhaps we can shed some light on the hyperbole Mr. Raum elected to supplant for data.
Mr. Raum says that, Republicans had little choice, given that the economy has gained considerable strength over the past 18 months. Today, the federal budget deficit is shrinking rapidly and tax receipts are rising.
The Federal Budget Deficit in fact continues to clock upward toward $17 trillion where at that point every man, woman, and child in America will owe $55,000.00. Use this very informative link to observe, in real-time, the very bad news: http://www.usdebtclock.org/#
Mr. Raum continued to say; Consumer confidence and spending are up, as are auto and housing sales. Stocks are near all-time highs.
Consumer Confidence is one of the most transient of indicators, falling and rising predicated on the day-to-day manic responses from those who read the disinformation reported through America’s slanted media, such as the AP. If it is up today, tomorrow it will be down, rising and falling with the regimen of an 80-year-old man on Viagra.
Housing is experiencing a rebound bringing asked-for prices back to about a 50 percent recovery of losses sustained in the Las Vegas, Phoenix, Southern California, and some other parts of the nation. Meanwhile, the market remains depressed, and in some cases continues to fall with no respite in sight for states like Florida, Michigan, Illinois, and New York. The data available is plentiful and available through Realtytrac.com and a plethora of other resources.
While unemployment is at 7.5 percent, it's down from the 10 percent of October 2009. Also, recent job creation in the private sector has been relatively strong.
Job creation has been predominantly in the Services sector, specifically in low-end jobs where anything barely above minimum wage attracts hordes of today’s recent college graduates.
Here’s the bottom line: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) changed the procedure to eliminate anyone who had elected not to pursue seeking employment in the four weeks prior to the report, or who had not found employment at the expiration of benefits.
As a result: There are currently 183 million Americans who comprise our potential Labor Force. A record 90 million Americans are not participating in the Labor Force who would otherwise be part of Working America. Some receive Disability, some Welfare, some are part of the growing Underground economy scratching out a living at flea markets and yard sales. Some eat out of dumpsters: That’s America today.
One last item: For the Dow Jones Industrial Average to have kept pace with inflation – only – since it began its downward spiral in April 2007, it should have closed at about 15,900. It didn’t. Read, They’re Dollars, Not Points, for a more in-depth analysis in the Archives section of this journal.
Lying is a pastime favored amongst alcoholics. The organization, Alcoholic Anonymous is an effective tool to help the alcoholic overcome both his or her consumption of alcohol and fabrication of reality. Maybe the AP can get a group rate.
Driving to the Grand Canyon?
Get ready to Bump and Grind
GL Hill
“If you plan to motor west…Travel my way, take the highway that is crappiest. Get your Jolts on route Eye-Fortiest.”
A cumbersome variation of the popular song – Get Your Kicks on Route 66 – and equally painful to drive: Interstate 40 (I-40) is the third-longest major east–west Interstate Highway in the United States (after I-90 and I-80). It’s one of the top three most traveled interstates in the US.
I-40 is just over 2555 miles long passing through North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma (Oklahoma City looks O, so pretty…No it doesn’t), Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Over three hundred and fifty-nine miles of this soon-to-be-derelict highway are in Arizona. It is a major transportation corridor for much of the goods that we Americans consume in vast and disproportionate quantities to the rest of the world. It’s also how thousands of tourists every year get to the Grand Canyon.
It’s like our Welcome mat.
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) does an average job of keeping the pavement rolling through the cities; but once outside of (and between) Kingman, Seligman, Williams (turn left for the Grand Canyon) and Flagstaff, the road is reminiscent more of an old wagon trail filled with potholes and ruts grooved into the pavement, some the size of the Grand Canyon, thereby saving you additional travel and admission costs.
Currently most vehicles (including those huge semi-trucks pulling vans or flatbeds) straddle the line, either the lane line or shoulder line whether your driving in the lane next to them or not, to avoid this mostly-rutted, dilapidated interstate. Might we imagine that from this practice there would be an increase in the number of accidents?
You bet. Reminders such as burned pavement, abandoned automobile parts, hubcaps, blown tractor-trailer tires, and the skeletal remains of once-determined tourists litter the roadway.
Work performed in the past 5 years along the I-40 between mile marker 59 (east of Kingman) and 87 (nearly 30 miles) has consisted mainly of Metal Beam Guard Rail (MBGR) replacement, and mowing the shoulder and median (and thereby grinding the intentionally overlooked litter, including once-exuberant tourists, to a feathery covering swept away in the always windy region).
Major bridge work has occurred twice; and an inordinate number of turn-arounds were created near Kingman, all of which you cannot use: they are for emergency vehicle use only, having been built under the recently amended, I didn’t buy enough donuts provision safeguarding our Highway Patrol officers from undo hardship.
Road surface maintenance of Interstate 40 has been neglected with the exception of the occasional 3-man crew (ADOT’s version of the Blue Man Group) throwing shovels of asphalt into potholes near the interstate’s shoulder. To be accurate: One shovels; Two observe.
While ADOT guard rail replacement/repair crews and sign/post replacement crews block off an interstate lane for a mile or more prior to their work, these 3-man pothole patch crews have one orange cone (maybe) about 6 feet prior to their work area. As the flow of traffic allows (remember that this is on one of the most travelled interstates in the US at posted speeds of 75 miles-per-hour), they toss a shovel full of asphalt into the pothole for the oncoming traffic to compact, and repeat this process until the hole is half-filled and all passing vehicles have at least 2 pounds per tire of the black, sticky stuff irrevocably adhered to the tread.
The requirements for pothole repair seem to be: 1) pothole must be close enough to the shoulder for the 3-man crew to fill from the shoulder; 2) pothole must be visible using Google Earth.
If the highway were actually maintained the need to replace hundreds of miles of MBGR would drop off substantially.
Curious as to when we might see much needed surface repairs to the I-40, I checked azdot.gov. 2013 work scheduled on I-40 in Mohave County is limited to “Bridge Rehabilitation” (in Kingman) and “Sign Rehabilitation” between Mile Marker (MM) 75 and 122. In other words, signs and bridges will be in Rehab for the year while the pavement continues to abuse vast quantities of alcohol and drugs.
In fiscal year 2014, “Pavement Preservation” (too late) is scheduled between MM 57 and 71.5 (this portion is also US-93; US-93 has had a huge amount of money thrown at it for the past several years). My hope is that “Pavement Preservation” will consist of resurfacing all lanes of the Interstate in both directions.
In fiscal year 2015, Pavement Preservation is scheduled along I-40, westbound between MM 74 and 79 (eastbound not listed for repair), and eastbound between MM 87 and 92 (westbound not listed for repair). The rutted and potholed section of I-40 between MM 79 and 87 is not referenced for pavement work in ADOT’s five-year forecast of work. Hopefully, there will still be some road surface of I-40 left to “preserve” by 2014 and 2015.
In 2009, ADOT was to receive an estimated $350 million for highway and bridge projects (explains the work and re-work of bridges) statewide as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Per azdot.gov, our Governor, Jan Brewer, was quoted as saying, “The transportation projects supported by economic recovery funds will benefit every Arizonan,” and “The creation of jobs is vital to our economy, and so are stronger connections between communities and our neighboring states. Arizonans will return to work and our roads will get the improvements they need.”
The bubble-text (thought but not stated) must have been, …yeah, as long as you live in Phoenix… Unfortunately, none of those funds seemed to have gone, or are scheduled to be going to maintain the I-40 road surface.
Is it all about discomfort? It has nothing to do with that: In the most and frequent extreme, it’s about swerving, maneuvering, avoiding, confronting, recovering, and the culminating accidents and deaths along this vital artery.
At the very least it’s about cracked windshields, destroyed tires and suspension systems, chipped paint, and knowing that most of our foreign tourists who travel the road are thinking, What the hell is wrong with this country?
I don’t know…we’re broke, I guess.
But, doesn’t our trash look nice ground up
like newly fallen snow?
Defaulty Thinking
Although it may be surprising to some, Congressional election campaigns are just over the horizon. Soon various candidates from the two primary parties, that are in fact only one, will begin focusing on their re-election to office to further perpetuate our current government.
Right now, per various polls, Congressional Approval rests somewhere between 18% to 22%. Ironically it is we the electorate who are responsible for both the growing abyss and for the commensurate discord permeating Congress, as well as for the resultant lack of forward movement in the halls of government. We cannot lay it off on those we put into office because we put them in office...
Americans are basically a very lazy bunch, unable to muster up the energy and time necessary to study alternative, independent candidates. To ask us to give up some small portion of our 42 hours per week of television viewing time to investigate other worthy candidates of independent thought who foresee a better America is just too painful.
Instead, we rely on those 42 viewing hours to teach us what we must know to make our decisions at the voting booth, if in fact we bother voting at all.
So, from the various networks - cable and otherwise - our minds are inundated with the possibility of only two choices: Democrat or Republican. To consider otherwise is to be thought of as too-far-afield, on-the-fringe, off-the-edge.
This is what the popular media teaches us because they are part of main-stream Default Thinking, too. Their job is to perpetuate the existing machine so that they may be assured of successful results.
Those who control the popular Ink media, like the LA and New York Times have specific agenda they wish to see advanced. It would be uncharacteristic of them to support candidates that perhaps are not clearly in-step with those ideals. Yet they do not control the electorate: Only the electorate’s lock-step obedience to their suggestions ensures their success.
The Independent Daily does not endorse candidates for office. We do, however, provide the tools to research and better understand independents who are seeking various elected offices - people with whose opinions you may largely agree.
As the race for Congressional seats opens we will list those candidates who offer non-default views on today’s critical issues facing America. We won’t tell you for whom to vote, though...
We’ll leave that to the sheepherders Fox, CNN, ABC et al.
Understanding Chained CPI
Jos. Warren
Chained Consumer Price Indexing (CCPI) is on the precipice of implementation with far-reaching impact to millions of Americans, yet few understand how CCPI actually works. President Obama, whose annual pay has suffered a severe setback through the voluntary return of 5%, is very enthusiastic about Chained CPI.
The American Association of Retired People (AARP), the organization that begins sending invitations to join ever-earlier - now at about 7 years of age - and a variety of other organizations have all offered their interpretations of Chained CPI to help the average benefit recipient understand how the implementation of this unique system will impact the average future increase. But no one has gotten it right...until now. (Read on for an accurate description of how Chained CPI may affect you or your loved ones.)
At this time, 46.2 million Americans live below the Poverty Line and receive some small stipend to help chase off the wolf at the door. Some of the 46.2 million are includable in the 54 million Americans who receive Social Security as retirees and as survivors receiving benefits, and in the more than 8 million Americans receiving Supplemental Social Security, who have thus retired early due to alleged illness or disability. Then, too, the 3.5 million Americans receiving Welfare today are also potentially affected by the implementation of CCPI.
So, what’s different about CCPI versus the long-standing CPI used to-date for calculating benefit increases?
It’s an entirely different Market Basket approach to understanding how consumers shop. Famously, proponents of CCPI say that when we shop we carefully select those things we can afford in lieu of those things that have taken on an accelerated appreciation for whatever anomalic reason.
Those in favor of this system say something like, “If the price of beef is too high, then the consumer will select pork, instead” which seems completely rational until one begins to understand that the price of any meat has increased dramatically in the last few years for several reasons: The price of forage products to feed America’s meat producing industries owing to increased exports to, among other countries, China (see Shall We Gather at the Liver, in the Archives); A prolonged and ruthless drought in the Southwest; Increased cost of fuel for the transport of live and butchered meat products; and a plethora of other reasons.
So, the syllogism actually looks more like this: Consumer A, a 68 year-old retired woman receives $1,200 per month in Social Security benefits. She had worked all of her life both at a job and raising three children, one of whom was Killed in Action in Afghanistan. The other two children have moved away and are raising families of their own. One adult child is an unemployed Logger in Oregon. The second is married to a manufacturing manager whose job was outsourced to China.
Consumer A’s husband predeceased her three years before after a prolonged illness that forced them to sell their home at a time, like today, when the Fair Market Value was only a few thousand dollars more than when they bought the home nearly twenty years prior, to pay his medical bills. At that time they also had a Certificate of Deposit for a little more than $20,000 generating a yield from their bank, a recipient of several billions of dollars in government funding in 2009, of less than 1% per year, or about $180.
She can no longer drive because of the cost of fuel and automobile insurance, so she sold the family car. She is prescribed medication for hypertension but rarely can afford to refill the now-empty bottle. Her rent is $750 per month. Utilities average $190 per month.
Consumer A at the supermarket: As she approaches the meat counter she notices that the price of filet mignon has increased from last week’s $9 per pound to a little more than $12. Mon Dieu! She proclaims and vows to swear off expensive steak, at least for the next week.
She moves warily away from the Beef section to the Pork, and, after counting her remaining food money for the month, recognizing that she has about $28 for the next 17 days, she continues past Pork at $3.59 per pound and heads to the dog food aisle where she finds a very nice can of generic dog food containing the anatomical parts of cows and pigs that are not suitable for any other use.
The good news? It’s only thirty-nine cents per can, which means she can eat fairly heartily over the next 17 days, and perhaps by then filet mignon will be back down to a more reasonable level, and that, my dear children, is Chained Consumer Price Indexing.
Take heart, though: it will likely affect Obama’s pay too, resulting in a smaller increase in the $400,000 per year salary along with the $50,000 annual expense account, and $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment, plus the millions upon millions of dollars spent to support our Commander in Chief and his wife and children...
...and I mean millions.
Here We Go Again -
Nigeria: More Dead Children
“Second zero was the moment in which (Brandon) Bryant's (Drone pilot) digital world collided with the real one in a village between Baghlan and Mazar-e-Sharif.
“Bryant saw a flash on the screen: the explosion. Parts of the building collapsed. The child had disappeared. Bryant had a sick feeling in his stomach.
"’Did we just kill a kid?’ he asked the man sitting next to him.
"’Yeah, I guess that was a kid,’ the pilot replied.
"’Was that a kid?’ they wrote into a chat window on the monitor.
“Then, someone they didn't know answered, someone sitting in a military command center somewhere in the world who had observed their attack. ‘No. That was a dog,’ the person wrote.
“They reviewed the scene on video. A dog on two legs?”
But that’s OK: In Iraq and Afghanistan our Department of Defense classified Enemy Combatants as any (discernible or not) male over the age of 12. So, the child Bryant blew in to oblivion was obviously a hell-bent terrorist.
Now, rather than just continuing our failed missions in Afghanistan and Iraq we’re adding Nigeria to the mix, as well.
Why might we do that? Oil, once again. Using the same manufactured reasoning as before, Nigeria’s border to Mali represents a threshold over which Mali’s Al Qaeda Islamic Extremists will cross into neighboring Nigeria and wreak havoc with Nigeria’s hitherto peaceful citizens, converting them all to frothing Terrorists, whose secret thoughts involve blowing up a Wal-Mart in Duluth.
Does it matter that 33% of Nigeria’s vast Oil export business is directed to the United States? Does the fact that Nigeria’s very unpopular, yet Western-friendly president whose name belies any iota of Egalitarianism, Goodluck Jonathan, suppresses the people of Nigeria through a systematic enslavement of poverty while the wallets of those who administrate the government bulge from Oil pay-offs by Shell, Exxon-Mobil and the usual suspects?
Nigeria’s Oil production for the last few years has been hampered by a series of attacks and hooliganism directed at the Oil companies that dominate the region. History is chock-full of examples where those who dominate international markets often and frequently recruit our military to defend them against those who wish to expand or better-control operations on foreign soil.
No one ought to forget (USMC) General Butler’s words, "War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives…”
Nigeria is no different than Iraq was to Exxon-Mobil. We did not go to Iraq to unseat a lone, deranged president. We went there to make the Majnoon and West Qurna oil fields safe for Shell and Exxon-Mobil, after Hussein revoked Russia’s leases a few months earlier: These are just easily verifiable facts, people: Remove your heads from your asses.
Unfortunately, America is too consumed with Gun Control at the moment to pay any attention to what our President is doing. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Do you really think that President Obama or any member of Congress finds the loss of 20 children in Connecticut unsettling?
From the U S Energy Information Administration:
“Nigeria's hydrocarbon resources are the mainstay of the country's economy, but development of the oil and natural gas sectors is often constrained by instability in the Niger Delta.
“Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and has been a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) since 1971. In 2011, Nigeria produced about 2.53 million barrels per day (bbl/d) of total liquids, well below its oil production capacity of over 3 million bbl/d, due to production disruptions that have compromised portions of the country's oil for years (emphasis added). The Nigerian economy is heavily dependent on the oil sector, which accounts for over 95 percent of export earnings and about 40 percent of government revenues, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
“The oil industry is primarily located in the Niger Delta where it has been a source of conflict. Local groups seeking a share of the oil wealth often attack the oil infrastructure and staff, forcing companies to declare force majeure on oil shipments. At the same time, oil theft, commonly referred to as "bunkering," leads to pipeline damage that is often severe, causing loss of production, pollution, and forcing companies to shut-in production.
“Foreign companies operating in joint ventures (JVs) or production sharing contracts (PSCs) with the NNPC include ExxonMobil, Chevron, Total, Eni, Addax Petroleum (recently acquired by Sinopec of China), ConocoPhillips, Petrobras, StatoilHydro, and others.”
So, here we go again, just as in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan…Advisors then troops, only now we’ve added drones to the pot: stirring well we can expect many dead Nigerians, and a reduced loss of Clean, Wholesome, Christian Americans: Because in truth it always has been as Colonel Oliver said in the movie, Hotel Rwanda, when speaking about the lack of American involvement during the genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent people caught in the cross-fire of hate:
“You’re not even a nigger…”