Ping Dong Lo says,
Herro Amelica!
Editor’s note: Ping Dong Lo has written in the past regarding manufacturing in China and Vietnam. Although he speaks four languages, including English, he writes with the aid of a voice-translating App so his correspondence is WYHIWYG (What you hear is what you get). We choose to publish his letters verbatim.
Mr. Ping has much to say regarding America’s present economic state, Western culture, and our pursuit of material gratification, at the expense of sound economic practices. This latest correspondence is directed specifically to Arizona residents, although it appears to be highly generalizable to most, if not all, of America.
Herro, Amelica! My name is Ping Dong Lo. I big boss at maker of tings in China and Vietnam. A rot of tings we make here made in Amelica before. No now. Now you makey nada, as my fliends in Mexico say. Now you owe us a rot of money. More than your simper minds can carcurate.
You buy my clap because coss lessy. But it not last so you buy moh. Pletty good, no?
Onry fohteen mirrion of you makey tings now. You tree hunret turdy mirrion. How you lun soun economry rike that? Not happen. That is how.
Here some tings to tink on: In Amelica you have rots of Vietnam War Vetelans. All have stickers on tlucks that say so. All tink they patliotic. They all buy clap we make here and in Vietnam. It funny, no? You ruse war then and you ruse war now, too. Even stickels on tlucks that say, “Veletlan” we make. We make frags – Amelican and POW. Maybe your POW working in factolly in Vietnam now? Pletty ilonic. That OK: you no wise up anyway.
Who sell our clap there? Walmart, Tlactor Suppry, Dorrar Genelal, 99 Cent, and rots of praces. Almos evelyting in Walmart China. You no make time to buy Amelican. Too much trubber. Easy to buy my clap. Good job, Amerlican Joe! You keep rittle mind on Facebook and Terevision.
Tluckers too. You lissy songs about Amelica. Drive big tluck and have on crows made here while hawring our clap. Funny. That OK too. Mose of what we make we send by laiload: BNSF. More and more each year. so you no work pletty soon too. Onry one guy on tlain push button make whistle bro. Rots of our clap on board. Ress money, more plofit, more clap. Wallen Buffet - he guy who own BNSF – he make lotta money, too, rike us.
Newspapers no talk about all this. They take dorrars from Walmart and make deal: You no tell true, we adveltise. Good for paper. They are how you say, Serr outs? No choice: No one errse in busy now there.
Your govelment in our pocket. Is that rite? Pocket? We own so much US. We put lohver on moon now and soon have missure pointy at you all because you buy our stuff that fall apart in no time. Even US mirrotary buy our stuff. Reary, how fluckin funny is that? I mean, we are Communist!
Soon no one wok. Evlybody on disabirity. You onry can buy crows we make. Den we own awl Amelica. See? We win war no shoot. Den awl Communist. No moh burrshit Jesus Clist. No moh Mohman. No more awl other clap. Jus wok an behave self. But moh good ressyraunts.
I have home in, uh, Phoenix, Irvine Carifornia, New Yoke, San Flansisco, and rots of praces. Uh, many thanks.
More rater. Your fliend,
s/ Ping Dong Lo
Genelal Manager
Quon Tuck Pee Industries
Communist China, with offices in Communist Vietnam
(Read, Five Articles on Why Buying Chinese Products is Not a good thing, here. -ed.)
Ping Dong Lo’s Latest Squeeze

Ping Dong Lo. General Manager
Quon Tuck Pee Industries
Editor’s note: Ping Dong Lo has written in the past regarding manufacturing in China and Vietnam. Read, Herro Amelica! here.
Mr. Ping has much to say regarding America’s present economic state, Western culture, and our pursuit of material gratification, at the expense of sound economic practices. This latest correspondence is regarding the recent proliferation of luxury automobiles in China as its citizens accumulate even greater wealth as a result of your continued shopping at Walmart, et al.
Herro, Amelica! My name is Ping Dong Lo. I so happy to tell you about biggy news. My chick, Quon Suc Yu, has new Mercedes Blenz. Velly nice cah. Here picture:

Quon Suc Yu on Hood of Her New Benz
You can see Mercedes embrem just berow happy prace, yes? Anyway, expensive cahs very popurar here now because we makey so mush money - US dorrars. Uh, many thanks.
Reuters News say, “Mercedes-Benz's sales in China, excluding Hong Kong, rose 11 percent to 228,000 in 2013 and it has plans to sell more than 300,000 cars a year by 2015.”
How that old Chevroray running? Keep up good work! Keep buying my clap.