One-Fifth of Americans on ADHD Drugs
Joseph Warren, Editor
And that is why things are the way they are in America today. Critical Thinking cannot take place in a mind muddled by incomplete thoughts and bits of data - especially that garnered through the television and related media: 63 million Americans, 53% of which are “adult” age. No wonder we’re a mindless collective of misdirected cretins bent on self-destruction. Racial Hatred, Violence - both Foreign and Domestic, Ignorance Regarding Basic Economic Principles, and the list is endless.
We don’t read. We don’t think. We’re spoon-fed our information in digestible bits of not more than five seconds or a few words. Twitter, as an example, limits its users to the perfect level of communication for a critical thought in today’s world. Genius, really, when you think about it: any more misspelled words and abbreviations would be wasted on the majority of Americans - those who try through pharmaceuticals to improve their thinking capacity, and those who probably should. Read the full article, here.
Earlier the BBC carried an article regarding the “10,000 Steps” one ought to take daily to improve-sustain one’s health. Bullshit. One ought to be reading everyday - not something from the vast pool of mindless Fiction, but important reading, significant to the development of higher-level thinking: Fiction based on historic facts, Non-Fiction, Biography, Sciences.
To my knowledge, Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein (and certainly not Stephen Hawking) did (do) not subscribe to the practice of taking a minimum number of steps everyday to insure their physical well-being.
Google, too, has decided that you need to enhance your level of physical experience - never mind thinking - by introducing their new Health-Tracking Wristband. Meanwhile, the sedentary mind languishes in a puddle of thoughtless meanderings through CNN news-bites.
In a country where the preponderance of adult population reads Harry Potter, if anything at all, you just know that we’re doomed. Develop your mind; develop your soul.
This morning I was reminded of one of the many resources available to parse through today’s good reading: Net Galley. Source something challenging to read and emerge a more sentient human.
(I tried to keep the above piece to the accepted maximum number of words for the United States adult population. I apologize if I ran over your Focus Limit.)